How to Figure Out Your Strengths

As women, it can be difficult for us to be honest, loud, and confident about our giftings and what we’re good at. Many of us come from contexts where we’ve been taught to make ourselves smaller and call that “humility”. 

But to quote our good pal CS Lewis: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.”

You were made extremely specifically for the situation you’re in. The job you have, the kids you’re raising, the college dorm room you live in, the sibling you don’t get along with, the yoga class you attend — all of it is an important building block in God’s Kingdom. And He designed His entire redemption plan with you in mind.

Do you think He would leave it to chance that you might be “okay” at what He needs you to do?? No ma’am! He breathed His life into you. He purchased you with His own blood. He crafted you with desires, skills, and connections for His glory

SO I made you something!

I made a FREE guided journaling practice for you to partner with God and uncover your strengths.

What do you love? What threads can you see throughout your life? Can you reframe your weaknesses as things that serve you?

So let’s recap: you were made on purpose, for a purpose. Your strengths (as well as your weaknesses, yes) are essential to you living that purpose fully! 

If you’re concerned that agreeing with your strengths isn’t humble, let’s quit that right now. Because you’re human, you’ll experience pride—but we can always receive grace and start again. Denying your gifts and strengths is just another form of pride—insecurity. You’re so quick to call out and encourage the gifts of others. Can you do the same for yourself?

Remember: we’re agreeing with what’s already true about us—God created you with these gifts. Let’s celebrate them!


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